
In Uzbekistan, those who lost their lives in Second World War and home front workers are remembered

In Uzbekistan, those who lost their lives in Second World War and home front workers are remembered

09.05.2020 11:31

May 9 in Uzbekistan is commemorated as a Day of Remembrance and Homage, the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory over fascism.

В Узбекистане свято чтут память погибших во Второй мировой войне и героизм тружеников тыла

В Узбекистане свято чтут память погибших во Второй мировой войне и героизм тружеников тыла

09.05.2020 11:29

9 мая в Узбекистане отмечается День Памяти и Почестей, 75-я годовщина великой победы над фашизмом во Второй мировой войне.

President of Uzbekistan signed the decree to further support country’s export activities

President of Uzbekistan signed the decree to further support country’s export activities

08.05.2020 18:31

On May 7, 2020 President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the decree “On measures to further support to export activities”.

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