The address of the President of Uzbekistan to the Parliament in December 2022 was one of the main political events of the last year, which outlined not only the most important tasks and main directions of work of all branches of power for 2023, but also defined the key priorities of further reforms and modernization of Uzbekistan for the forthcoming period.
Elections are one of the main features of a democratic State through which the development and prospects of the country are revealed. This is the basic form of expression of the will of the people, the direct participation of citizens in the management of the affairs of the state. On the other hand, the promotion of active citizenship through participation in elections is evidence of the growth of our people’s political thinking, social activity and electoral culture.
On April 30, 2023 Uzbekistan has held a referendum on adopting the new version of the Constitution by nationwide voting. An important political event attracted millions of Uzbek citizens, which resulted in the participation of 84.51 per cent of the population who had the right to vote.
Currently, taking into account the requirements of the time, within the framework of the constitutional reform, the Basic Law of Uzbekistan is being updated by 65%. It should be noted that as a result of public discussions more than 220 thousand proposals were received to improve the current Constitution, based on the study of which a draft of a new edition of the Constitution was prepared. A referendum on the draft of a new edition of the Constitution will be held on 30 April 2023.
In accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 30 of this year will be held a national referendum on the draft constitutional law "On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan".