General information
Education system of Uzbekistan consists of the following:
The education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan is single and continuous.
Education in Uzbekistan is realized in the following ways:
Education authorities
The education system is generally supervised by the Cabinet of Ministers. It also directly controls some higher education institutions, which include the Tashkent Islamic University, as well as affiliates of international well-known foreign universities (Moscow State University, University of Westminster, etc.).
The tasks of the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education include:
In Uzbekistan, the direct management of the educational institutions carried out by two sectoral ministries - the Ministry of Public Education (MPE) and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education (MHSSE).
MPE is responsible for a preschool, nonschool educational institutions and secondary schools. MPE manages 5 universities and 16 institutes of teacher training. The Ministry has the provincial, district and municipal departments of public education, which shall perform the functions of the methodological guidance to the respective educational institutions on the ground.
MHSSE is a government body that manages higher and secondary professional education in the country.
Ministry for its activity reports to the Cabinet of Ministers.
The system includes the Center of secondary specialized vocational education, Center for developing the higher and secondary specialized vocational education, and higher education institutions.
Every citizen has the right to acquire knowledge , guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Education plays a significant role in educating the youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Homeland begins with the threshold , education of children begins in the family. This means that each of us is responsible for growing up full, healthy , educated, loyal to Homeland generation.
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