“Rescued in Tashkent”

11.08.2022 00:18

Tashkent hosted a screening of a documentary film “Rescued in Tashkent”, which was filmed according to the script of the well-known journalist Boris Babayev.

It can be said that this project is a continuation of the documentary film “The Big Heart of Tashkent”, which has already been shown in 10 countries around the world. Both films reveal the theme of tolerance and internationalism of the Uzbek people.

“This was especially clear during the Second World War, when thousands of evacuees were sent to Uzbekistan – people who fled from the regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus occupied by the Nazis”, says Boris Babayev. – In those days, the Tashkent Railway Station met trains with refugees day and night. Uzbek families accepted them immediately and did everything possible to provide effective assistance to the emaciated, sick and hungry people of various nationalities, among whom there were more than 250 thousand children.

According to Boris Rakhimovich, a large number of prominent figures of culture and art of the former Soviet Union arrived in Tashkent in one of these trains. The new film “Rescued in Tashkent” tells about the life of the great Russian poetess Anna Akhmatova, the national poet of Belarus Yakub Kolas, the poet Korney Chukovsky and other famous personalities during the terrible war years.

“It was great work for us in the archives, a tireless search for the most valuable video materials of that time, Boris Babayev notes. – This search gave excellent results thanks to the efforts of director Denis Kodzayev. And what they are – you can find out by watching the film.

Participants of the documentary note that Tashkent saved the best part of the creative intelligentsia of Russia. The capital helped a lot of people with its atmosphere and sincerity. And many owe their fate to Uzbekistan.

The film aroused great interest among documentary film lovers.

Nazokat Usmanova, UzA

Online Maslahat




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