
A system of home-based preschool education for children with disabilities to be launched

A system of home-based preschool education for children with disabilities to be launched

29.12.2020 17:45

Addressing the Oliy Majlis, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that the most important period in a child’s life is preschool age, when mental activity develops, moral and aesthetic ideas and physical qualities are formed. Next year we have to increase the coverage of preschool education to 65 percent, and by the end of 2023 – to 75 percent. 2,000 non-state kindergartens will be created due to the allocation of 600 billion soums of subsidies from the budget. The share of the private sector in this area will increase to 25 percent.

President holds a dialogue with youth

President holds a dialogue with youth

26.12.2020 11:43

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has held a conversation with youth participating in Uzbekistan Youth Forum.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Anything concerning the future of youth is of paramount importance

Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Anything concerning the future of youth is of paramount importance

26.12.2020 11:42

Arts, literature, and sports play a significant role in the lives of young people.

President motivates young people

President motivates young people

26.12.2020 11:41

Participation of the Head of the state in the forum, his words and initiatives give great motivation to young people.

President addresses Uzbekistan Youth Forum

President addresses Uzbekistan Youth Forum

26.12.2020 11:39

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has visited Uzbekistan Youth Forum and greeted everyone in connection with the event, which is being held in the country for the first time.

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