
SCO scientific and expert forum on information security is being held in Tashkent on September 6

SCO scientific and expert forum on information security is being held in Tashkent on September 6

02.09.2022 11:21

Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of Uzbekistan (ISRS) Bobur Usmanov spoke about the timeliness and importance of this forum

President: Independence Day will always be the greatest and dearest holiday for us and future generations

President: Independence Day will always be the greatest and dearest holiday for us and future generations

01.09.2022 12:14

A festive event on the occasion of the 31st Anniversary of the Independence of Uzbekistan took place in Yangi O’zbekiston (New Uzbekistan) Park.

Независимость - основа наших великих достижений

Независимость - основа наших великих достижений

01.09.2022 10:58

Понятия независимость и свобода имеют особую ценность для всех народов мира. Каждый из них благодаря этому великому благу выбирает собственный путь развития, определяет свою судьбу, смело стремится к большим высотам. Поэтому наш многонациональный народ отмечает День независимости Республики Узбекистан с большой радостью и гордостью.

World leaders and foreign partners sincerely congratulate on the 31st Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan

World leaders and foreign partners sincerely congratulate on the 31st Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan

31.08.2022 22:12

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has received congratulations from the leaders of foreign states, authoritative politicians, prominent public and religious figures, heads of international organizations and regional structures on the occasion of the 31st Anniversary of the Independence of the country.

President lays flowers at the Independence Monument

President lays flowers at the Independence Monument

31.08.2022 22:11

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev laid flowers at the Independence Monument in Yangi O’zbekiston (New Uzbekistan) Park.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Every award is the recognition of the people, the trust of the Motherland

Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Every award is the recognition of the people, the trust of the Motherland

31.08.2022 12:10

By the decrees of the President of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the 31st Anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan, many compatriots have been awarded honorary titles, orders and medals. A group of foreign citizens was also awarded the Dustlik (Friendship) Order for a great contribution to the development of cooperation with Uzbekistan.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev attends the opening ceremony of the Jaloliddin Manguberdi Memorial Complex

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev attends the opening ceremony of the Jaloliddin Manguberdi Memorial Complex

29.08.2022 20:06

On August 29, Urgench hosted a solemn ceremony of opening the Memorial Complex of Jaloliddin Manguberdi.

A single center for storing and processing data of the e-Government system launched

A single center for storing and processing data of the e-Government system launched

27.08.2022 09:55

The people of Uzbekistan are celebrating the anniversary of independence with good news and are in high spirits. New facilities are put into operation across the country.

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