
Presidential Press Secretary holds a briefing for journalists

Presidential Press Secretary holds a briefing for journalists

12.09.2022 16:43

Presidential Press Secretary Sherzod Asadov held a briefing for journalists in Samarkand. Participants were informed about the events that are planned to be held this week with the participation of the Head of the state.

The number of initiatives put forward by Uzbekistan in the SCO reaches 54

The number of initiatives put forward by Uzbekistan in the SCO reaches 54

11.09.2022 14:51

This has been announced by Bakhromjon Sotiboldiyev, Head of the Department of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Galina Karelova: “Women in Uzbekistan are active in the political process in the country”

Galina Karelova: “Women in Uzbekistan are active in the political process in the country”

09.09.2022 15:10

Tashkent hosts the 14th Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament of the member states of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. UzA Correspondent Guzal Sattorova interviewed Galina Karelova, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, participating in the summit.

Honoring the Memory of the First President – Respect for History

Honoring the Memory of the First President – Respect for History

02.09.2022 22:15

On September 2, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Scientific and Enlightenment Memorial Complex named after Islam Karimov and laid flowers at the monument to the First President.

В 2021г. число кибератак в мире увеличилось на 50%

В 2021г. число кибератак в мире увеличилось на 50%

02.09.2022 11:35

Эксперт ?СМ?: В 2021 году число кибератак в мире увеличилось на 50% по сравнению с 2020 годом и ущерб от киберпреступлений превысил 6 триллиона долларов


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