
Ismatulla Irgashev meets with Turkish Ambassador

Ismatulla Irgashev meets with Turkish Ambassador

03.07.2020 14:26

On July 2, 2020, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan Ismatulla Irgashev met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Uzbekistan Mehmet Süreyya Er, Uzbekistan MFA reports.

Negotiations with OIC Assistant Secretary General

Negotiations with OIC Assistant Secretary General

03.07.2020 14:25

On July 2, 2020, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Furkat Sidikov held talks with OIC Assistant Secretary General Ahmed Ssenyomo, via videoconference.

UNICRI hosts webinar on bioterrorism

UNICRI hosts webinar on bioterrorism

03.07.2020 14:24

National Coordinator at the State Committee for Industrial Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Otabek Kasimov, attended the webinar “COVID-19 and future pandemics: the spectre of bioterrorism”, organized by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).

Namangan trains specialists in robotics and industrial design

Namangan trains specialists in robotics and industrial design

02.07.2020 14:58

This project is implemented jointly with the Republic of Belarus. 15 higher education institutions of Uzbekistan and Belarus have established cooperation to date.

Prospects for economic cooperation with Japan, the Republic of Korea and the UAE discussed

Prospects for economic cooperation with Japan, the Republic of Korea and the UAE discussed

02.07.2020 14:22

On July 2, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting to review the implementation of priority projects and prospects for expanding trade-economic, investment and financial-technical cooperation with Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United Arab Emirates.

CCI and GIZ organize an online meeting of entrepreneurs

CCI and GIZ organize an online meeting of entrepreneurs

02.07.2020 12:00

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan regularly organizes the participation of entrepreneurs in an internship in the Fit for Partnership with Germany program for managerial training of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany.

MIFT hosts a meeting with DFC CEO

MIFT hosts a meeting with DFC CEO

02.07.2020 11:59

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. Umurzakov has met with the First Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) Adam Boehler, during which they discussed prospects for development of cooperation in the context of strengthening bilateral relations between Uzbekistan and the United States.

Abdulaziz Kamilov meets with the Ambassador of Ukraine

Abdulaziz Kamilov meets with the Ambassador of Ukraine

02.07.2020 11:46

On July 1, 2020, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine Mykola Doroshenko, Uzbekistan MFA reports.

Moscow to host International Medical Exhibition

Moscow to host International Medical Exhibition

01.07.2020 17:49

On November 6-8, 2020, Moscow will host Medicine and Tourism International Exhibition.

Abdulaziz Kamilov attends Central Asia – USA MFA Meeting

Abdulaziz Kamilov attends Central Asia – USA MFA Meeting

01.07.2020 17:48

On June 30, 2020, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov attended Central Asia – USA (C5+1) videoconference, Uzbekistan MFA reports.

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