
New resort in Tashkent region

New resort in Tashkent region

01.06.2020 10:28

A place for recreation is being created in Urtachirchik district near Tashkent Sea. Currently, it is expected to commission 4 guest houses, a restaurant, a beach and a pool at this facility, designed for 500 seats.

Tourist Village to be created in Samarkand

Tourist Village to be created in Samarkand

01.06.2020 10:28

Tourist Village is being created in Konigil makhalla of Samarkand district.

President signs decree to support the tourism sector

President signs decree to support the tourism sector

01.06.2020 10:27

On May 28, 2020, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree on urgent measures to support the tourism sector for reducing the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

Tour to Tashkent City Museum

Tour to Tashkent City Museum

01.06.2020 10:26

The exposition of Tashkent City Museum reflects the ancient past, customs and traditions, science, culture and art of the region with a history of 2200 years. 

Uzbekistan might open Russian universities’ branches

Uzbekistan might open Russian universities’ branches

01.06.2020 10:25

Online conference of university rectors of Uzbekistan and Russia was held on the initiative of organizations of higher education institutions’ system of the two countries.

International online meeting

International online meeting

01.06.2020 10:24

An international online meeting was held in Tashkent Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, organized within the framework of strengthening the platform for scientific cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation on “Economic development of countries: the pandemic and its consequences”.

Export: Namangan cherries are in great demand in South Korea

Export: Namangan cherries are in great demand in South Korea

01.06.2020 10:23

According to Uzbekoziqovqatholding company, 17.8 tons of sweet cherry grown in Namangan region were delivered to South Korea’s Incheon city.

Uzbekistan, Belarus discuss implementation of international experience in healthcare

Uzbekistan, Belarus discuss implementation of international experience in healthcare

01.06.2020 10:22

Implementation of international experience for improving the qualifications of Uzbekistan doctors was discussed by the National Chamber of Innovative Healthcare and Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education (BelMAPO).

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