
Do you need eco-friendly transport?

Do you need eco-friendly transport?

21.09.2020 17:30
Within the framework of the EU Mobility Week 2020, EU delegation to Uzbekistan together with Tashkent City Hokimiyat, Ministries of Transport and Internal Affairs has held an international roundtable discussion on mobility and road safety.


UN Secretary General: We are moving 25 years back

UN Secretary General: We are moving 25 years back

21.09.2020 17:30

The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, has told Sky News that the coronavirus pandemic has shown how “vulnerable we are” and that in some aspects, “we are moving 25 years back”.

Uzbekistan’s cultural and historical heritage presented in Vienna

Uzbekistan’s cultural and historical heritage presented in Vienna

21.09.2020 16:39

Uzbekistan’s Embassy in Austria has organized an evening entitled “Heritage of the Great Silk Road”.

Quva exports 3 thousand tons of pomegranates

Quva exports 3 thousand tons of pomegranates

21.09.2020 16:39
Quva pomegranates are exported to South Korea, China, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.


Uzbek Language Center named after Alisher Navoi opens in Pakistan

Uzbek Language Center named after Alisher Navoi opens in Pakistan

21.09.2020 16:38

Representatives of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Pakistan attended the opening ceremony of the Uzbek Language Center named after Alisher Navoi at the University of Peshawar.

Uzbekistan’s number of recovered COVID-19 patients reaches 47,932

Uzbekistan’s number of recovered COVID-19 patients reaches 47,932

21.09.2020 16:35

According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the number of people recovered from COVID-19 in the country has reached 47,932 (93%).

Shum Bola 2020 International Film Festival to kick off in Tashkent

Shum Bola 2020 International Film Festival to kick off in Tashkent

21.09.2020 11:24

Shum Bola 2020 VII Film Festival for Children and Youth will kick off today at Tashkent’s Humo Arena sports complex.

Uzbekistan’s FTT decreases

Uzbekistan’s FTT decreases

21.09.2020 11:19
According to the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in January-August 2020, the foreign trade turnover (FTT) of the country reached 24 537.2 million US dollars, compared to the same period last year, decreased by 3 554.2 million US dollars.


President condoles with Uktam Barnoyev’s family

President condoles with Uktam Barnoyev’s family

21.09.2020 10:17

Following a serious illness, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Uktam Barnoyev died on September 20.

Effectiveness of reforms in plant quarantine analyzed

Effectiveness of reforms in plant quarantine analyzed

21.09.2020 10:17
On September 21, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting to analyze the effectiveness of reforms in plant quarantine.


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