
The leaders of Uzbekistan and Russia discuss current issues of trade and economic cooperation

The leaders of Uzbekistan and Russia discuss current issues of trade and economic cooperation

11.04.2023 16:32

/“Dunyo” IA/. Today, Priority measures aimed at ensuring the dynamics of trade and the implementation of cooperation projects were discussed during a telephone conversation between the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

The President of Uzbekistan: Our people will see the result of the foundation laid today

The President of Uzbekistan: Our people will see the result of the foundation laid today

08.04.2023 16:33

/“Dunyo” IA/. Yesterday, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the School of Creativity named after Halima Khudoyberdiyeva, in Gulistan, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

The President of Uzbekistan pressed a symbolic button and launched new companies in the Syrdarya region

The President of Uzbekistan pressed a symbolic button and launched new companies in the Syrdarya region

07.04.2023 16:34

/“Dunyo” IA/. Today, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Omon Med Pharm company in the city of Gulistan, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

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