
Central Asian experts work on draft documents for the next Summit of the Heads of State

Central Asian experts work on draft documents for the next Summit of the Heads of State

18.08.2020 16:05
A meeting of experts from Central Asian countries at the level of heads of structural divisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Central Asian states has taken place via videoconference.


Issues of supporting citizens working abroad discussed

Issues of supporting citizens working abroad discussed

18.08.2020 16:05

On August 17, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on creating decent conditions for citizens working abroad and working systematically with them.

Easing lockdown restrictions requires increased personal responsibility

Easing lockdown restrictions requires increased personal responsibility

17.08.2020 19:04
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev holds a meeting on measures to create decent conditions for citizens of Uzbekistan working abroad and systemic work with them.


Dutch greenhouses in Kashkadarya

Dutch greenhouses in Kashkadarya

17.08.2020 17:14

Representatives of the khokimiyat of Kashkadarya region held virtual talks with the leadership of the Dutch company BOM Group. The videoconference was initiated and organized by the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the Benelux countries together with the Agency for Attracting Foreign Investment.

Abu Ali ibn Sina’s works – heritage of the world

Abu Ali ibn Sina’s works – heritage of the world

17.08.2020 16:07
International Scientific Enlightenment Videoconference has taken place on “Abu Ali ibn Sina – the pride of Uzbekistan and the heritage of the world”.


Uzbekistan’s Ambassador holds talks with Malaysian partners

Uzbekistan’s Ambassador holds talks with Malaysian partners

17.08.2020 16:07

Ambassador of Uzbekistan Ravshan Usmanov visited the production facilities of the Malaysian company SMH Rail and held talks with its Executive Director Zahrin Zaman.

Uzbekistan’s number of recovered COVID-19 patients reaches 30,973

Uzbekistan’s number of recovered COVID-19 patients reaches 30,973

17.08.2020 15:53

930 patients have fully recovered from coronavirus yesterday, Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Health reports.

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