
Participatory Budgeting: Practice, International Experience and Analysis

Participatory Budgeting: Practice, International Experience and Analysis

31.08.2022 22:20

The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted an International Forum on “Citizens engagement in the budgetary process: exchange of experience and prospects for development”.

World leaders and foreign partners sincerely congratulate on the 31st Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan

World leaders and foreign partners sincerely congratulate on the 31st Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan

31.08.2022 22:12

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has received congratulations from the leaders of foreign states, authoritative politicians, prominent public and religious figures, heads of international organizations and regional structures on the occasion of the 31st Anniversary of the Independence of the country.

President lays flowers at the Independence Monument

President lays flowers at the Independence Monument

31.08.2022 22:11

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev laid flowers at the Independence Monument in Yangi O’zbekiston (New Uzbekistan) Park.

Deputy Prime Minister studies the activities of SQB

Deputy Prime Minister studies the activities of SQB

31.08.2022 18:33

Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan Jamshid Khodjayev visited the training and IT Center of Uzbekistan Industrial and Construction Bank (SQB) in Tashkent, where he got acquainted with the current state and plans for the development of a financial institution.

Love for the Motherland conveyed through unique colors

Love for the Motherland conveyed through unique colors

31.08.2022 14:41

The Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan hosted the opening ceremony of the exhibition “The dignity of a person, the interests of the people are the highest value in New Uzbekistan”, timed to coincide with the 31st Anniversary of Uzbekistan’s Independence.

Guarantee of human rights in the field of information security: Important conditions for sustainable development in the SCO space

Guarantee of human rights in the field of information security: Important conditions for sustainable development in the SCO space

31.08.2022 12:19

Human rights are the foundation of the modern rule of law. At the post-industrial stage of development, the protection of human rights takes on a special character. Improvements in information and communication technologies are accompanied by increased opportunities for their unfair use, which poses threat to information security and can lead to violations of human rights. In this regard, the problem arises of the relationship between information security and human rights, first of all, the right to privacy.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Every award is the recognition of the people, the trust of the Motherland

Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Every award is the recognition of the people, the trust of the Motherland

31.08.2022 12:10

By the decrees of the President of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the 31st Anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan, many compatriots have been awarded honorary titles, orders and medals. A group of foreign citizens was also awarded the Dustlik (Friendship) Order for a great contribution to the development of cooperation with Uzbekistan.

Tashkent hosts cultural centers’ concert on the occasion of Independence Day

Tashkent hosts cultural centers’ concert on the occasion of Independence Day

30.08.2022 22:17

Tashkent’s Dustlik (Friendship) Park hosted a concert on the occasion of the 31st Anniversary of the Independence of Uzbekistan.

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