
The Head of State visited a family orphanage in Uchtepa district and held a meeting with the capital's assets

The Head of State visited a family orphanage in Uchtepa district and held a meeting with the capital's assets

14.12.2022 10:04

/“Dunyo” IA/. Yesterday, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the activities of a family orphanage in Nayman mahalla, Uchtepa district, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

The President gets acquainted with the state of heat supply to the population

The President gets acquainted with the state of heat supply to the population

14.12.2022 09:46

/“Dunyo” IA/. Yesterday, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Chilanzar Heating Plant of the Toshkent Issiqlik Markazi enterprise, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

The President instructed to ensure the efficiency of transportation and the quality of service in Tashkent, to increase the wages of drivers

The President instructed to ensure the efficiency of transportation and the quality of service in Tashkent, to increase the wages of drivers

13.12.2022 09:43

/“Dunyo” IA/. Today, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Bus Depot No.18 of the Toshshahartranskhizmat JSC, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

The President of Uzbekistan instructed to develop draft policy documents for improving the services of phthisiology, pulmonology and AIDS prevention

The President of Uzbekistan instructed to develop draft policy documents for improving the services of phthisiology, pulmonology and AIDS prevention

13.12.2022 09:41

/“Dunyo” IA/. Yesterday, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on the development of phthisiology and pulmonology, AIDS prevention, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

Akramjon Nematov: Strengthening dialogue and trust between Central Asian countries is a key condition for solving regional problems

Akramjon Nematov: Strengthening dialogue and trust between Central Asian countries is a key condition for solving regional problems

12.12.2022 11:04

TASHKENT, December 12. /“Dunyo” IA/. Ashgabat hosted the Central Asian Expert Forum (CAEF) on “Current aspects of regional cooperation on climate change, water use, food security and ICT in the Central Asian region”, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

In the presence of the President of Uzbekistan, the signing ceremony of the Agreement on the acquisition of the state share of Ipoteka Bank by OTP Bank took place

In the presence of the President of Uzbekistan, the signing ceremony of the Agreement on the acquisition of the state share of Ipoteka Bank by OTP Bank took place

12.12.2022 10:59

TASHKENT, December 12. /“Dunyo” IA/. Today, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the Chairman and CEO of the OTP Bank Sándor Csányi, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

The President of Uzbekistan was provided with information on projects in the utility sector

The President of Uzbekistan was provided with information on projects in the utility sector

10.12.2022 12:25

TASHKENT, December 10. /“Dunyo” IA/. Yesterday, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the report on the ongoing work to improve utility services and provide the population with drinking water, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent

The Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan meets with the U.S. Ambassador

The Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan meets with the U.S. Ambassador

10.12.2022 11:29

TASHKENT, December 10. /“Dunyo” IA/. Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan Ismatulla Irgashev held talks with the U.S. Ambassador Jonathan Henick, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of Uzbekistan and in according to paragraph 23 of Article 93 of the Basic Law of the country, the head of state pardoned 402 citizens

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of Uzbekistan and in according to paragraph 23 of Article 93 of the Basic Law of the country, the head of state pardoned 402 citizens

09.12.2022 12:27

TASHKENT, December 9. /“Dunyo” IA/. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has signed a Decree “On pardoning a group of people serving a sentence in the form of deprivation of liberty, who sincerely repented of their actions and firmly embarked on the path of correction”, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

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