
New prospects for cooperation with the Republic of Korea discussed

New prospects for cooperation with the Republic of Korea discussed

28.08.2020 11:57

The Embassy of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Korea held a meeting with the leadership of Korea Federation of Textile Industries (KOFOTI).

638 patients recover in Uzbekistan

638 patients recover in Uzbekistan

28.08.2020 10:57
638 patients have fully recovered today from coronavirus in Uzbekistan.


Interethnic harmony – guarantee of national rise

Interethnic harmony – guarantee of national rise

28.08.2020 10:56

Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Ties with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a roundtable discussion on “Interethnic harmony is a guarantee of national rise”.

Uzbekistan, Israel experts exchange experience in countering the COVID-19 consequences

Uzbekistan, Israel experts exchange experience in countering the COVID-19 consequences

28.08.2020 10:55
The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Israel organized a webinar on “Post-COVID syndrome: mental disorders, their prevention and elimination” with participation of Israel and Uzbekistan health professionals, Dunyo Information Agency reports.


President pardons 113 citizens

President pardons 113 citizens

28.08.2020 10:55
On the eve of celebration of the national holiday – the 29th Anniversary of Independence of the Uzbekistan, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has signed a Decree “On pardoning a group of people serving a sentence in the form of deprivation of liberty, who sincerely repented of their actions and firmly embarked on the path of correction”.


Prospects for industrial chillers production discussed with a South Korean company

Prospects for industrial chillers production discussed with a South Korean company

28.08.2020 10:39
The Embassy of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Korea organized virtual talks between the leadership of Uzeltechsanoat Association and Korea’s Century company.


Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act celebrated

Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act celebrated

28.08.2020 10:22

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan organized a videoconference on “Helsinki+45: Continuing Relevance of OSCE Commitments to all 57 Participating States, with a Focus on Uzbekistan”, the State Committee of Industrial Safety reports.

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan Government delegations meet in Tashkent

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan Government delegations meet in Tashkent

28.08.2020 10:09
The Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov has received the Deputy Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Akram Madumarov, in Tashkent.


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