
Interethnic harmony – guarantee of national rise

Interethnic harmony – guarantee of national rise

28.08.2020 10:56

Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Ties with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a roundtable discussion on “Interethnic harmony is a guarantee of national rise”.

Uzbekistan, Israel experts exchange experience in countering the COVID-19 consequences

Uzbekistan, Israel experts exchange experience in countering the COVID-19 consequences

28.08.2020 10:55
The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Israel organized a webinar on “Post-COVID syndrome: mental disorders, their prevention and elimination” with participation of Israel and Uzbekistan health professionals, Dunyo Information Agency reports.


President pardons 113 citizens

President pardons 113 citizens

28.08.2020 10:55
On the eve of celebration of the national holiday – the 29th Anniversary of Independence of the Uzbekistan, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has signed a Decree “On pardoning a group of people serving a sentence in the form of deprivation of liberty, who sincerely repented of their actions and firmly embarked on the path of correction”.


Prospects for industrial chillers production discussed with a South Korean company

Prospects for industrial chillers production discussed with a South Korean company

28.08.2020 10:39
The Embassy of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Korea organized virtual talks between the leadership of Uzeltechsanoat Association and Korea’s Century company.


Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act celebrated

Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act celebrated

28.08.2020 10:22

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan organized a videoconference on “Helsinki+45: Continuing Relevance of OSCE Commitments to all 57 Participating States, with a Focus on Uzbekistan”, the State Committee of Industrial Safety reports.

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan Government delegations meet in Tashkent

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan Government delegations meet in Tashkent

28.08.2020 10:09
The Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov has received the Deputy Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Akram Madumarov, in Tashkent.


Uzbekistan, Japan specialists exchange experience in combating coronavirus infection

Uzbekistan, Japan specialists exchange experience in combating coronavirus infection

27.08.2020 10:53

The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Japan organized a videoconference between Uzbekistan and Japanese health professionals on the fight against coronavirus.

Uzbekistan, Zambia establish cooperation

Uzbekistan, Zambia establish cooperation

27.08.2020 10:53
Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Egypt, Oybek Usmanov, has met with the Ambassador of Zambia to Egypt, Topply Lubaya.


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