
Uzbekkino shoots a feature film about Mahmudkhoja Behbudiy

Uzbekkino shoots a feature film about Mahmudkhoja Behbudiy

10.07.2020 13:37

Uzbekkino National Agency is shooting a feature film about a great historical figure, founder of Uzbek drama Mahmudkhoja Behbudiy.

Project parameters involving ADB approved

Project parameters involving ADB approved

10.07.2020 13:35

The Government approved the implementation of the project “Financing the preparation of urban development projects in the Republic of Uzbekistan” with participation of the Asian Development Bank.

UNO MINDA to establish cooperation with Uzbekistan

UNO MINDA to establish cooperation with Uzbekistan

10.07.2020 13:34

Negotiations were held with the Chairman and Managing Director of UNO MINDA, Nirmal Minda, at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in India, via videoconference.

Uzbekistan’s candidacy to be nominated for election to the UN Human Rights Council

Uzbekistan’s candidacy to be nominated for election to the UN Human Rights Council

10.07.2020 13:33

The media campaign announced by the Development Strategy Center continues to publicize the State Program within the framework of the Action Strategy.

Senate representatives attend virtual meeting of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly

Senate representatives attend virtual meeting of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly

10.07.2020 13:32
Asian Parliamentary Assembly hosted an online meeting.


Uzbekistan’s Ambassador meets with the Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives of Malaysia

Uzbekistan’s Ambassador meets with the Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives of Malaysia

10.07.2020 13:32

On July 9, 2020, the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Malaysia Ravshan Usmanov held talks with the Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives of Malaysia, Wan Junaidi, Uzbekistan MFA reports.

Negotiations with COMSTECH heads

Negotiations with COMSTECH heads

10.07.2020 13:31

On July 9, 2020, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Furkat Sidikov held a videoconference with Coordinator General of the OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) Iqbal Choudhary and Adviser of COMSTECH Khurshid Hasanain.

CIS CHC and IFHC Board hold joint meeting

CIS CHC and IFHC Board hold joint meeting

10.07.2020 13:30

On July 9, 2020, within the framework of the chairmanship of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States, a joint meeting of the Council for Humanitarian Cooperation and the Board of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation (IFHC) of the CIS member states took place via videoconference.

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