
Heads of Central Asian and Russia MFA adopt Strategic Directions of Cooperation Statement

Heads of Central Asian and Russia MFA adopt Strategic Directions of Cooperation Statement

16.10.2020 10:21

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov has taken part in the third meeting of the heads of foreign affairs agencies of the Central Asian states and Russia via videoconference, Uzbekistan MFA reports.

COVID-19: 62,484 cases in Uzbekistan

COVID-19: 62,484 cases in Uzbekistan

16.10.2020 10:18

As of October 16, 10:00, the number of coronavirus infected in Uzbekistan has reached 62,484 (+113) people, the Ministry of Health reports. 

ISRS: Uzbekistan, EU stand for uniting efforts in restoring the peaceful economy of Afghanistan

ISRS: Uzbekistan, EU stand for uniting efforts in restoring the peaceful economy of Afghanistan

16.10.2020 10:18

On October 14, an international online webinar “Stabilization and interconnection in European – Uzbekistan – Afghanistan relations” was held.

The number of recovered COVID-19 patients reaches 59,429

The number of recovered COVID-19 patients reaches 59,429

16.10.2020 10:17

334 patients have fully recovered from coronavirus yesterday, Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Health reports.

Turkish Ambassador: Election of Uzbekistan to the UN Human Rights Council demonstrates the achievements of Uzbek diplomacy

Turkish Ambassador: Election of Uzbekistan to the UN Human Rights Council demonstrates the achievements of Uzbek diplomacy

15.10.2020 17:19
“The election of Uzbekistan to the UN Human Rights Council is a success of the policy of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev” Turkish Ambassador to Uzbekistan Mehmet Süreyya Er told in his interview to “Dunyo” Information Agency.


Culture, religious traditions and customs of the Central Asian peoples

Culture, religious traditions and customs of the Central Asian peoples

15.10.2020 17:19

Online conference of IRCICA (Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture) and the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan has taken place with participation of representatives of the International Research Center named after Imam Bukhari (Samarkand) on “Culture, religious traditions and customs of the Central Asian peoples”.

196 people recover from COVID-19 in Uzbekistan

196 people recover from COVID-19 in Uzbekistan

15.10.2020 17:18
196 patients have fully recovered from coronavirus today.


National Database to implement UN recommendations

National Database to implement UN recommendations

15.10.2020 17:17

The Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, National Center for Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan, OHCHR Treaty Body Capacity Building Programme together with UNDP in Uzbekistan have organized an online workshop, where the National Database on tracking recommendations of UN Charter and Treaty Bodies were presented.

Tashkent hosts International Conference on Energetics, Civil and Agricultural Engineering

Tashkent hosts International Conference on Energetics, Civil and Agricultural Engineering

15.10.2020 17:17

The 1st International Conference on Energetics, Civil and Agricultural Engineering 2020 has kicked off in Tashkent.

CCI and UNDP discuss joint projects

CCI and UNDP discuss joint projects

15.10.2020 17:16

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry has held a videoconference with UNDP representatives to discuss jointly implemented and developed projects.

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